Maring Williams Law Office, P.C. - 1661 Capitol Way, Suite 103 LL, Bismarck, ND 58501

Auto & Truck Accidents

Dickinson Auto and Truck Accident Attorneys

The financial and personal devastation caused by an auto or truck accident can be overwhelming, and no amount of money can make up for what you and your family must endure if you have suffered a catastrophic injury. However, the compensation that you can receive through a personal injury lawsuit can pay for your medical bills, your future medical needs, and prevent your injuries from ruining your financial future. Our Dickinson auto and truck accident attorneys are here to fight for you and help you recover maximum compensation for your auto or truck accident.

Complex Legal Issues

Even a seemingly straightforward car accident can involve complex legal issues. Our Dickinson auto and truck accident attorneys have decades of experience in helping motor accident victims. We know that tactics that the insurance companies use to deny or underpay claims, and how to fight them.

We understand that the underlying causes of auto and truck accidents are sometimes not apparent to accident victims and witnesses, and we always investigate thoroughly to uncover the true cause, and who can be held financially responsible so that we can pursue all avenues of compensation for you.

Serious Injuries

Auto and truck accidents can result in life-altering injuries. Survivors may never be able to work again and some will require round-the-clock care, which is often provided by loved ones who are forced to quit their jobs in order to provide that care. An ongoing need for medical treatments and an early death from secondary complications are among the long-term consequences of some severe injuries.

Common auto and truck accident injuries include:

  • Brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Severe burns
  • Amputations
  • Crush injuries
  • Damage to, or loss of, internal organs
  • Respiratory damage
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Paralysis
  • Paraplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Severe road rash
  • Severe disfigurement

Auto and truck accident victims rarely suffer an isolated injury, but more often contend with a combination of injuries which can complicate recovery.

Defective Vehicles

Defective vehicles can cause accidents, but some kinds of defects can cause injuries in accidents that have another cause such as driver negligence. If a crashworthiness defect caused your injuries or made them worse than they otherwise would have been, we may be able to recover compensation for you from the auto maker or another party along the supply chain, even if the at-fault driver cannot be identified and located or was uninsured.

If you have been injured in an auto or truck accident, the Dickinson auto and truck accident attorneys of Maring Williams Law Office, P.C., are here to help. Please call us today at (800) 492-5297 or contact us online to learn more about what we can for you.