Dickinson Oil Field Accident Attorneys
The oil field is a tough and dangerous work environment under the best conditions. That is no excuse for companies to create unnecessary dangers by cutting corners on safety. If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an oil field accident you may be able to recover compensation far beyond what is available in Workers’ Compensation benefits. Our experienced Dickinson oil field accident attorneys are passionate about fighting for the rights of injured oil field workers and their families. Please do not hesitate to call us and schedule your free consultation.
More than Workers’ Compensation
If you were an employee, rather than an independent contractor, at the time of your oil field accident, then you should file a Workers’ Compensation claim. You can start drawing benefits quickly and you do not need to prove fault because a Workers’ Compensation claim is an insurance claim, not a lawsuit.
However, Workers’ Compensation benefits are very limited and in cases of serious injury they do not pay nearly enough to cover your long-term losses. Although Workers’ Compensation laws bar you from suing your employer, in most cases, you may still be able to collect full compensation for your injuries, including noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering, through a third party lawsuit.
A third party lawsuit is brought against someone other than your employer who was responsible for your injuries. This could be another company that was involved in the operation or the maker or seller of a defective piece of machinery. It may be a company that was contracted to perform repairs and maintenance on equipment or machinery that malfunctioned. It all depends on the unique circumstances involve in your accident.
Our Dickinson oil field accident attorneys are here to help you and your family get the justice you deserve. We offer a free consultation and case evaluation, if we represent you we only charge a fee if we win money for you. We will investigate your accident to identify all avenues of compensation so you can get all of the money you deserve.
The Dickinson oil field accident attorneys of Maring Williams Law Office, P.C., are ready to help you right away. It is important that you act quickly, before the time limit for taking legal action expires and you lose your right to compensation. Please, all us today at (800) 492-5297 or contact us online to schedule your consultation and get started.